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老张菜园的个人空间 http://redsilk.net/?2698 [收藏] [复制] [RSS]



已有 1570 次阅读2021-5-25 00:29 |系统分类:房屋翻新


SERVICES TO BE RENDERED: Research, wetland flagging, field
survey, calculations, and provide a tight tank septic design.
This price includes the work necessary to complete the septic
as-built plan also.

Agreed cost: $3,000.00

This work order constitutes an agreement between the client and
HAWK Consulting, Inc. for performance of professional services
as described hereon under the following terms and conditions.
HAWK Consulting, Inc. shall perform the above services and
furnish normal surveying supplies incidental to such performance
but shall not be obligated to provide additional services
without a written work order.

Services shall be provided at a cost of no more than twenty-nine
hundred dollars ($2,900.00). Payment of twenty-two hundred
dollars ($2,200.00) is to be returned with the signed contract.
The remaining seven hundred dollars ($700.00) is due when the
septic plan has been provided to the client.

-------------------2nd contract---------------------------

SERVICES TO BE RENDERED: Research, wetland flagging, field
survey, calculations, prepare a Notice of Intent plan/documents
(also, attend Con Com meetings)and provide a tight tank septic
design. This price includes the work necessary to complete the
septic as-built plan also.

Agreed cost: $4,000.00

This work order constitutes an agreement between the client and
HAWK Consulting, Inc. for performance of professional services
as described hereon under the following terms and conditions.
HAWK Consulting, Inc. shall perform the above services and
furnish normal surveying supplies incidental to such performance
but shall not be obligated to provide additional services
without a written work order.

Services shall be provided at a cost of no more than thirty-nine
hundred dollars ($3,900.00). Payment of twenty-two hundred
dollars ($2,200.00) is to be returned with the signed contract.
The remaining seventeen hundred dollars ($1,700.00) is due when
the septic plan has been provided to the client.

------------------------3rd contract---------------------

SERVICES TO BE RENDERED: Research, wetland flagging, field
survey, calculations, prepare a Notice of Intent plan/documents
(also, attend Con Com meetings)and provide a tight tank septic
design. This price includes the work necessary to complete the
septic as-built plan. Also submittal of septic and con com
plans, stake foundation and provide an as-built foundation plan.
No submittal fees are included.

Agreed cost: $4,500.00

This work order constitutes an agreement between the client and
HAWK Consulting, Inc. for performance of professional services
as described hereon under the following terms and conditions.
HAWK Consulting, Inc. shall perform the above services and
furnish normal surveying supplies incidental to such performance
but shall not be obligated to provide additional services
without a written work order.

Services shall be provided at a cost of no more than forty-five
hundred dollars ($4,500.00). Payment of twenty-eight hundred
dollars ($2,800.00) is to be returned with the signed contract.
The remaining seventeen hundred dollars ($1,700.00) is due when
the septic plan has been provided to the client.







发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 老张菜园 2021-5-31 03:05
7 Lakeshore Dr, Monson, MA 01057
$125,000 ; - Beds — Baths; 1.04 Acres (Lot)

58 Goodrich Rd, Sturbridge, MA 01566
$120,000 ; — Beds — Baths; 4,792 Sq Ft (Lot)

73 Leland Rd, Norfolk, MA 02056
$25,000 ; — Beds — Baths ; 5,400 Sq Ft (Lot)
回复 老张菜园 2023-7-18 22:31
7-3-2023        1st floor wall
7-5-2023        wall
7-6-2023        wall
7-7-2023        wall
7-8-2023        2nd floor
7-9-2023        Sunday
7-10-2023        basement
7-12-2023        gable, deck
7-13-2023        gable, deck
7-14-2023        gable, deck
7-16-2023        Sunday
7-17-2023        wall
7-18-2023        wall


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